Lekhika Ranchi

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The Real Ghost Stories

The Creature Lying Next To Me 

A year ago me and my husband bought an old house in the northern part of our country

It is an old farmhouse, which the previous residents completely redid

There is a large piece of land which was used as agricultural land (animals, fruit trees)

This plot is more and more transformed into a garden by former residents

Part of the garden is a vegetable garden

I love this garden so much

I lived in this city and had no real talent for plants

But last year I learned a lot about growing vegetables, flowers and herbs

I love to grow my own vegetables

They taste so much better. In front of our house is a road

One side is toward the center of the village and the other to the next village

The road leads through a piece of nature. It is a big old house with a large garden

It has a lot of windows, sunlight and warm feel to it

I feel really good, peaceful and comfortable in our new home

It is big because the former stables are drawn into the house

Our bedroom is in the upper part of the old stable

There are windows and the view is great. My husband and I were in love with the house

I still love it

My husband not

He feels watched in the garden, especially at night, and during the day he gets a strange feeling in the garden

In the evening, and sometimes in the daytime, he pulls the curtains closed of the rooms with the windows to the garden

In summer he does not like to sit in the garden

The terrace in front of our house is ok, but not the second terrace, in the other part of the garden

This is unfortunate, because that terrace has a fireplace

He will go, but he cannot relax

I teased him often, and said he act like a little child

I feel wonderful in the garden

I do not have a problem. I never really believed him until he got a new job

This new job asks of him that he must travel sometimes and stay in hotels

These nights when I am alone, I always wake up because of the sound of snoring

I open my eyes and there is a creature lying next to me, asleep and snoring

Sometimes with his back to me, sometimes on the back, sometimes on his stomach

Once he woke up, smiled at me sleepily and went to sleep

He does not cause me any harm, except wake me up with his snoring

He has green skin, black lips, large pointed ears and long black hair

Sometimes it is bound, sometimes braided, sometimes stuck together of many golden clips

His hands are like an animal

He dresses in a white shirt and black pants and posture is average

The one time he woke up, I saw all black eyes (no white) and when he smiled yellow sharp teeth

I can see this because I always sleep with the lights on when alone (I never liked the dark)

Normally I fall asleep again, because I am very tired

I feel spooky, but no fear. I do not want to tell my husband because I do not want to frighten him

And I am sure that he will sell the house 'yesterday'

I want to know for sure that it is not a dream, if I tell him

I hope you can help me

I do not want to lose the house. 


Anjali korde

10-Aug-2023 10:54 AM

Beautiful part
